About Darragh Photography


Stephen O'Sullivan is the photographer behind Darragh. Before entering the world of professional photography, I earned a PhD in philosophy and was a tenured philosophy professor for over a decade. What I find most satisfying about photography is the creation of images that are always more than, or other than, the reality they depict. Like teaching, the creation of photographs is a form of communication, an opportunity to reveal something not obvious and mask something that is obvious, in order to show something or someone in a new light.


I am committed to assisting others in my work, in two ways. First, by directly providing photographic services to small and medium sized not-for-profits. It's essential for institutions who serve other to be able to communicate the ways they make a difference in the lives of those they touch -- this is very important to share their challenges and victories with their donors and partners. That means keeping their social media presence updated and professional looking. It means helping them tell the stories of their work, show to the world how they are making a difference in their communities.

Secondly, twenty percent of every corporate shoot will go to one of the non-profits that I assist. There will soon be a page here listing and describing those groups and their work.

Work with Me

Are you a non-profit needing help with your communication and outreach? Are you a private firm or individual who needs photographic work and wants to also assist others  in their non-profit service?

I would love to help you document and communicate your story and your people.

Get in touch with me using my contact form to discuss rates, scheduling and more.

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Why Darragh?

Darragh is a place of connection and identity for me. A small farming area in the west of Ireland, not far from the wild Atlantic coast, it's the home of family, inspiring in its beauty, and filled with magic.

Intimacy + Drama

The photos that move me most are marked by a kind of intimacy at arms length. The intimacy invites engagement, being drawn in, being captivated. Facial expressions, glances, gesticulations, twisted bodies -- reveal in their own ways something going on inside the world of the subjects or between the subjects and the world. I think of Steichen and Steiglitz and especially W. Eugene Smith. But landscapes can be dramatic as well, when shadow and light express presence and mystery.

But I enjoy corporate headshots, too.

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Using Format